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Community Survey and Feedback

As part of the search process the Columbia Board of Education and the Missouri School Boards’ Association has conducted a community survey and held public forums to gather feedback and input on the qualities and characteristics the community would like to see in its next superintendent. More than 1,300 stakeholders participated in providing feedback.

The selection process for the next superintendent is considered a closed search process.  A closed search, similar to corporate executive searches, means candidates and finalists for the position are not publicly named.  Community input is gathered through online surveys and community forums, both in person and online.  The information gathered from the surveys and forums is utilized to shape the desired traits of the new superintendent and create candidate questions to use throughout the semi-finalist and finalist interviews.  A closed search statistically increases the candidate pool, particularly with experienced superintendent candidates.  The Board will announce its selection publicly once it has completed the search and interview process. The community will have opportunities to meet the new superintendent in the spring, prior to the beginning of his/her contract term.

Survey and Forum Results