Pear Deck Tutor
Pear Deck Tutor
Free, on-demand tutoring is available to all scholars in Columbia Public Schools!
What is Pear Deck Tutor?
Pear Deck Tutor offers virtual tutoring opportunities for grades K-12 scholars on virtually any subject. Tutors are available online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at no charge to students.
● How do I log in?
Scholars can access Pear Deck Tutor using the CPS Student Portal.
● Are the tutors employed by Columbia Public Schools?
No they are not. The network includes thousands of expert tutors in their fields. Tutors must undergo a thorough background check.
● What can students request assistance for?
Almost every academic subject– if they need help with math, or writing feedback, if there’s a question on trigonometry or chemistry, there is a tutor to help you!
● Does Pear Deck Tutor help with Advanced Placement and/or Dual Enrollment courses at the high school level?
Yes! Pear Deck Tutor began as a tutoring service for college students. Tutors are available to support students in most subjects and at any level.
● Do students need to be on camera to receive tutoring support?
Students and families can decide. While video tutoring sessions are available, there are also audio chat and text chat options.
● How do students get assistance with writing reports and essays?
The Pear Deck Writing Lab is accessible to students 24/7. More details about how to upload documents to the lab are available online.