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Use of School Buildings

Facility Rental Procedures

Step 1: Read the Board of Education Policies and procedures (KG), insurance requirements, and fees.

Step 2: Submit a Facility Use form (below) along with proof of Liability Insurance for your organization/group to the District Athletic Office by email (linked).  

Step 3: Please allow 3-5 business days to process the request. You will receive email or phone confirmation from the District Athletic office after processing the application. If approved, you may contact the school directly regarding your request. 

Note: Facility requests will be processed in the order they are received. However, your request may be denied or canceled in the event a CPS school group/activity needs the room in which you booked.

The Director of Athletics' office will invoice the applicant for any rental/supervision fees after facility use.

All fees must be made payable to Columbia Public Schools and sent to: 


Application and Permit for Use of School Buildings