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Instruction, Systems, Leadership, Culture

AVID is schoolwide when a robust AVID system transforms a school's instruction, systems, leadership, and culture, ensuring college readiness for all AVID Elective students and improved academic performance for all students based on increased opportunities.

Instruction: The entire instructional staff utilizes AVID strategies, other best instructional practices, and 21st-century tools to ensure college readiness for AVID Elective students and improved academic performance for all students. 

Systems: Systems are in place that support governance, curriculum, and instruction, data collection and analysis, professional learning, and student and parent outreach to ensure college readiness for AVID Elective students and improved academic performance for all students. 

Leadership: School leadership sets the vision and tone to promote college readiness and high expectations for all students. 

Culture: The beliefs and behaviors that reflect and demonstrate an increase in students meeting college readiness requirements.

AVID Schoolwide strategies:

  • Improve academic achievement and completion of rigorous courses
  • Improve academic preparation for college
  • Increase high school graduation rates
  • Increase college applications
  • Increase college enrollment, persistence, and completion rates