Purchasing Cards
The Columbia Public School District's purchasing card program is designed to assist in the management and payment of business-related purchases and brings many benefits to the cardholder, Columbia Public Schools, and its vendors. The purchasing card is intended for the purchase of small-dollar-amount items. The use of this card will reduce the number of small-dollar purchase orders, blanket purchase orders, and the use of petty cash. Policies and procedures for the purchasing card program have been developed and reviewed with the district's auditors and documented in a purchasing card manual. Each employee recommended and approved for participation in the program must complete a required training session prior to receiving the purchasing card, and sign an agreement form verifying that he or she understands the program regulations and accepts responsibility for the protection and proper use of the purchasing card.
For lost or stolen cards: (888) 449-2273
- Amazon Business Account Information
- Bank of America WORKS website link
- Chip and PIN Technology Guide
- Entering a Travel Request in Works
- PIN Check User Guide
- Purchasing Card Application - Bank of America
- Purchasing Card Manual
- Purchasing Card Program (Procedure 160.50)
- Sam's Club (procedure 160.406)
- Travel Card Application
- Travel card guidelines