U Matter
Being present at school is key to your success.
Students who attend school do better.
Take care of your mind and body.
Think before you post.
Once it's online, it's out there forever.
Speak Up!
If someone you care about is struggling, report it to a trusted adult.
Make good choices.
There are many ways to be cool, substance abuse isn't one of them.
Take care of yourself!
Eat right, sleep enough and exercise.
The pressure to fit in takes on many forms as you work your way through elementary, middle and high school. The desire to be older, be taken more seriously and have more freedom can manifest itself in dangerous ways. You may be confused about topics like sex, drinking and depression. You may think most teenagers in Columbia like to smoke, or that nobody understands you, or that everyone is sexually active. You may not know where to turn for answers and guidance. This site has been developed to dispel common myths, provide useful information and support you as you make the transition into young adulthood. It’s an exciting time that’s ripe with opportunities—good and bad. Ultimately, the decisions you make in these formative years play a big role in who you will become. The potential pitfalls are all around you. If you find information on this site that could help someone you know, please share. We aspire to help you in any way we can. Because you matter.
The years you’ve been warned about have arrived. Just wait until they’re teenagers… Well, the wait is over, and the challenges of navigating these awkward, pressure-filled years have never been more prevalent. Fear not, noble parents of Columbia: you’ve found a place where both students and their caretakers can go to find valuable information and support on a wide range of taboo topics, including drug use, sexting and depression. We aspire for this site to be equal parts educational, informational and inspirational. We strive to engage our young adults to think and act in positive ways. When it comes to broaching the difficult topics, you don’t have to go it alone. We’re here to help any way we can, because you matter.