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Engagement Minimums

It is expected that students and parents are familiar with all the procedures related to the CPS Online program which can be found in the program handbook

Student achievement is our highest priority.  Taking asynchronous courses like CPS Online require specific skills such as self-regulation, time management, and internal motivation.  While the individualization and flexibility of CPS Online can be a good compliment to a student’s academic experience, we do not want to wait too long while students do not learn needed content as this puts them behind in future courses.

There are procedures that require students to make adequate progress.  Students should always communicate with their instructor about all course pacing requirements.  Here is a summary of the policies related to adequate progress. 

Participation agreement - Parents of students enrolled full time online must complete this agreement prior to the beginning of the semester.   

Add/Drop - Enrollment for CPS Online courses is completed by each student with their school counselor.  Students have up to three weeks at the beginning of each semester to add an online course.  Please consult the district calendar.  

Students will be dropped from a CPS Online course after 20 consecutive days of non-attendance which is the same rule for in person.  Students must log and submit at least one assignment IN EACH COURSE by that date or they will be dropped from that course.  Being dropped from an online course can impact progress toward earning graduation credits and/or MSHSAA eligibility. 

Pacing and Academic Requirements for Students - Any student that is not at least 15% complete in any online courses by IPR#1 will be dropped from that online course.  As a point of reference, IPR#1 is posted approximately 30% of the way through the semester.  Students and parents/guardians will receive warning emails as follows:

  • Two weeks prior to the IPR date
  • One week prior to the IPR date
  • Students who are dropped for no participation are provided with a two school-day window in which to appeal. Students are allowed one academic pacing appeal per academic year.

Failure to Thrive Online - Any student who fails 2 or more online classes* in any year will not be allowed to take online classes the following semester.  *(Middle school=2 core classes; High school=2 credit-bearing classes).

Adequate Progress - Students are required to make adequate progress and to complete the course within the semester.  Adequate progress is defined as those activities which lead to successful completion of the course within the semester.  Activities that demonstrate adequate progress are:

  • logging in daily to check for due dates, announcements from the teacher, and assignments, 
  • turning in all assigned work by the due date,
  • communicating with the instructor with any questions and requesting an individual appointment with the teacher, when needed
  • watching a video or reading material/notes required for the course, 
  • posting to a discussion board, and/or
  • other tasks as directed by the instructor.

Seniors - In the Spring semester, seniors are expected to complete all online coursework by the same last day of attendance for seniors in seat.