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Information for Non-CPS Students

CPS Online Courses for Non-CPS Students

Students who are not enrolled in Columbia Public School building but who reside in the CPS attendance area (e.g. may be home-schooled or attending a private school in the area) may take CPS Online courses. To do this students need to be registered at the school they would be attending (i.e. based upon their address--CPS Attendance Areas map).  Contact information for each school is provided below. Once registered at the building, students can enroll in CPS Online courses with one of the school's counselors. CPS Online courses follow the same academic calendar as face-to-face courses.  

Battle High School:  Counseling 573-214-3322. Megan Wilson is the school's Registrar

Hickman High School:  Counseling 573-214-3008.  Amanda Carrico is the school's Registrar

Rock Bridge High School:  Counseling 573-214-3111. Jennifer DiStefano is the school's Registrar    

Non-CPS Student Access

Once non-CPS students are registered in a CPS school and enrolled in an online course, enrollment information is sent to the student's Columbia Public Schools student email (an account will be created for the student once they are registered).  Access to the CPS student email server is through the CPS Student Portal: 

  1. Log into the Student Portal with login ID (not full email address) and cps##### (cpsstudent#) as your default password. They will be prompted to change their password and the new one has to be at least 8 characters.
  2. Open Student Email icon and login with your full email address as username and use the password they just created when logging into the Portal.
  3. Open Schoology – Staff & Student icon. The other Schoology icon is directions for using Schoology.
    • If you are on a home computer, then you will be prompted to install Classlink Ext. The Chromeprompts will be:
      1. Install Extension
      2. Add to Chrome
      3. Add Extension
    • Once the extension is added, you can go back to the Schoology icon and it will open up without prompting for login credentials.

CPS Technology Services Support Desk

Contact the CPS Tech Service Help Desk by phone or email:

Help Desk Hours

  • Monday - Friday 7am - 6pm
  • Closed Thursdays 2pm - 3pm