Early Learning
Preschool in CPS
Columbia Public Schools offers a developmentally-appropriate education through which young children actively build their individual potential in a positive, nurturing, culturally diverse environment. Title I Preschool is a federally funded program providing services to children with developmental needs, ages 3 to 5 (non-kindergarten) years of age. Services are provided at no cost to eligible children. Eligibility is determined through a developmental screening process.
CPS Parents As Teachers
Parents as Teachers is a home-school-community partnership that supports parents in their role as their child's first and most influential teachers. What began with four pilot sites in 1981 was implemented statewide with the passage of the Early Childhood Development Act of 1984. This bill mandated that every school district provide parent education and screening services to families with children from birth to age five.
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) in CPS
ECSE is a program designed to address the developmental learning needs of children ages 3-5. Certificated staff work closely with families and community resources to enhance the social/emotional, physical, learning, and communication development of young children. Educational plans are developed and tailored to each child as an individual and specially designed services are provided accordingly at no cost to parents. We are proud of our success in providing services for ECSE students with their typically developing peers, whether in a community preschool or specially designed setting.