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Educational Leave and Third Party Billing

Educational Leave - Third Party Billing for Substitutes (Substitute Cost Paid by Another Agency)

  Outside organizations may agree to pay for the cost of a substitute so that a staff member may attend a meeting, conference or workshop.  This is referred to as a third party billing. 

Process to Bill Third Party Substitute Costs

  1. Employees go through the regular Professional Leave Application process.
  2. On the Professional Leave Application form, under Provide Funding Source, check Paid by an Outside Agency.  
    • The PLA must be signed by the applicant and their supervisor.
  3. Complete the Billing Information Form. Attach form to the approved Professional Leave Application Form (PLA).
  4. Send Billing Information Form and approved PLA it to Shari Kraus, Aslin Building, Equity Department. 
  5. The substitute request for the employee will be entered by Shari Kraus.
  6. Once the substitute is requested, an email with the confirmation number will be sent to the teacher, building secretary and principal.
  7. Shari Kraus will invoice the third party for substitute expenses.

Process for Billing DESE for Substitute Costs

In order to bill DESE for the cost of substitutes, the following information is required: 

  • name of the teacher who attended the meeting
  • specific name of meeting
  • date attending
  • name of the person hosting the meeting
  • name and address of the person who should be billed for the cost of the substitute

DESE meeting participants receive a “Substitute Pay for Meetings/Hotel Reimbursement” memo at the event.  Send memo to Shari Kraus, Aslin Building, Equity Department.