Home School Communicators
Home School Communicators
Who We Are
The Home School Communicator is responsible for ensuring all children are receiving the proper support to improve their educational experience. We serve as a liaison with parents and the school regarding the needs of their children, and promote parental involvement in school and community activities to support the child's educational needs.
What We Do
Home School Communicators work to maintain positive relationships between students, families and school. Duties include follow-up on attendance concerns, residency, discipline, etc. We are actively involved in creating successful transition programs for students from elementary to middle and senior high school, as well as providing support for the MAC Scholars program.
Michael Woods, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Carla London, Chief Equity Officer
Columbia Public Schools, 1818 W. Worley Street, Columbia, MO 65203
Phone: 573-214-3413; Fax: 573-214-3401
Internal Use: Resources for Home School Communicators