Research Requests
Thank you for your interest in conducting research at Columbia Public Schools. We approve proposals that meet professional standards for research design and ethical practices, and have merit and relevance for our school district. Note that not all research will be approved. Our responsibility is to balance the need for research with the need for uninterrupted instructional activities that maximize student learning and the goals of the District.
Molly Stebbins, Coordinator of Psychological Services, is the Research Request Committee chair for the Columbia Public Schools. Dr. Stebbins is available to answer inquiries related to research design in the schools and can offer assistance to administrators and coordinators seeking to evaluate the effectiveness of internal programs. She can be reached at (573) 214-3461 or
For questions related to our research request process and forms, please contact Shari Kraus, Executive Assistant to the Chief Equity Officer. Ms. Kraus can be reached at (573) 214-3413 or
Research applications will be accepted from September 1 - April 1.
All research requests should align with Columbia Public Schools Vision, Mission and Values and Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP).
Process to Request to Conduct Research
Information for Research Request Applicants
- Should I Submit a Research Request?
- Requirements
- Restrictions
- Criminal Background Checks
- Practical Considerations
Data Requests
- For non-confidential data requests, requesters should first visit the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) webpage for State of Missouri School Reports and Resources. If the data is not available on the DESE site, requesters should contact the CPS Assessment, Intervention and Data Department.