Criminal Background Checks
Research: Criminal Background Checks
To ensure student safety, individuals who want to conduct research in our schools must submit a background check. Before any research proposals which would necessitate non-CPS employees being in contact with students or on a CPS campus, these individuals must successfully pass the background check. Background checks MUST be processed through Columbia Public Schools Non-Employee Registration. Research request decisions will not be released until background checks have been cleared.
- Submit Research Application: Following receipt of the research application, a research identification number will be assigned to the request and sent to the researcher.
- Submit all the background checking applications for all researchers associated with the project via the Non-Employee Registration form. Include the Research ID Number in the field titled Type of Volunteer Work or Researcher ID. Follow all instructions on the enrollment form for non-employee background clearance. At the end of the survey, be sure to follow the links and directions to complete the process.
Send a list of researchers associated with your project to Shari Kraus at
Research request decisions will not be released until background applications have been cleared.
In order to be in compliance with policy GBEBC, a new researcher or research assistant to an approved research project must register via the Non-Employee Registration to be considered for clearance to interact with CPS Scholars.
Excerpt from Policy GBEBC: Criminal Background Checks: “The Columbia Public Schools is committed to providing a safe environment for students to learn. As part of this effort, in accordance with this policy, the district will require criminal background checks of employees as well as certain volunteers and others working on district property. The board directs the superintendent or designee to develop procedures and practices consistent with this policy.”
Non-Employee Registration for Background Clearance:
(Updated 8/10/2023)