Middle School EEE Program
Students in the Middle School EEE Program attend EEE classes every other day, alternating with PE.
- Class Size: EEE classes are smaller than regular classes, with 12-20 students per class.
- Curriculum Goals: The program focuses on developing research skills, creative and critical thinking skills, and addressing affective needs.
- Regular Schedule: Students have a schedule that includes 4 core classes, 2 elective classes, building-wide core time, and alternating EEE/PE classes.
EEE classes are designed to address the individual educational needs of the students while focusing on the three program goals mentioned above. Students will be expected to be on time and ready to work. Class work will be collected and graded on a pass/fail basis (60% is the minimum passing grade). Homework will be limited to that which is necessary to complete projects begun in class. Topics will include, but may not be limited to:
Parents will receive progress reports on their child at each scheduled IPR date and additional updates as needed. Teachers frequently send out e-mails to parents with progress reports and other school information and we promise not to fill your inbox with junk mail.
We thank you for the opportunity to get to know your child!
Tara Frearson, GMS/SMS
Josephus Johnson, JMS
Vanessa Kline, WMS/LMS
Margret Lange, JWMS
Click here for the recording of the parent/student information meeting that took place on 04/25/24. Here are the handouts that were presented - middle school EEE program summary, unit descriptions, and a little on motivation.
5th grade transition meeting 04/24/24
This is the full video from the 5th grade transition meeting thta took place at the Field Elementary School on 04/24/24.