Health Screening
School nurses provide screening services each school year. Contact your school nurse for questions or if you would prefer your child to be exempt from a screening.
Dental Screening
A dentist or dental hygienist will perform a quick and simple dental exam at school for participating students. Fluoride varnish, a dental protectant, may also be applied at that time. A recommendation will be made regarding the status of the student's teeth and a notice sent home to parents/guardians. This exam should NOT take the place of your child's regular dental visit.
Hearing and Vision Screening
School nurses will provide hearing and vision screening to all students in kindergarten, 1st, 3rd and 5th grade, as well as all students new to Columbia Public Schools. Parents/guardians will be notified of students who require further evaluation. This screening detects minor hearing and vision abnormalities and will not take the place of a regular examination by a healthcare provider.