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Pharmacy Benefit

To view or change benefit elections, current employees need to access the online portal through Benefitfocus. 

Columbia Public School District has contracted with Express Scripts to manage the pharmacy portion of the medical plan

Employees may access a history of prescription drug purchases and their costs. For access to prescription drug information, register your account at   

Note: The District plan utilizes a "generic incentive". This means that if members have a brand prescription filled when a generic equivalent is available, the member will pay the brand copay plus the difference in cost between the brand and the generic drug. The difference paid will not count towards the Rx copay out-of-pocket limit.    Generic drugs are the chemical equivalent of their more expensive brand name drug counterparts. The CPS plan uses a Step Therapy program designed to offer the best medication at the lowest possible cost. With Step Therapy, The Plan will pay for the cost of certain lower cost generic drugs initially (Step-One drugs), but not their higher cost brand alternatives (Step-Two drugs), unless medically necessary.  

Co-pay assistance dollars do not apply to deductibles or out-of-pocket maximums on either plan.   

Plus Plan – Pharmacy Benefit

Under the Plus Plan, your prescription costs apply to the deductible. You pay 100% of prescription costs until your deductible is met. Once the deductible has been met, the cost of your prescription will become a copay until the prescription copay out of pocket limit has been met.    

Express Scripts

Member Services: (800) 808-3734

Group: CPSDRX1  

Pharmacy Resources