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To view or change benefit elections, current employees need to access the online portal through BenefitFocus. 

The District's vision plan is administered by EyeMed. Participating providers can be found at

Eligible members and dependents are entitled to receive:

  • vision examination - once every calendar year 
  • one (1) pair of lenses - once every calendar year 
  • frames - once every other calendar year 
  • contact lenses and contact lens evaluation/fitting- once every calendar year

Click here for complete summary of benefits

To verify your benefit eligibility prior to calling or visiting your eye care provider, please visit the EyeMed website at or contact EyeMed’s Customer Service Department toll-free at 1.866.804.0982.     

Out of Network

If a member chooses to see a provider that is out of network, the member will be responsible for submitting the claim to EyeMed for processing. Click here for the out of network claim form.  

1. The member would complete the form, copy the form and detailed receipt and mail in the copies to the address that is provided on the form. The member would want to keep the originals as backup.

2. The member can also complete the form, scan and email the form and detailed receipt to

Checks are processed and mailed weekly to the members' home address.