Non-Employee Background Information
You've probably reached this page from the Non-Employee Registration system. If not, and you need to complete your Non-Employee Registration, click here.
There are two types of clearances for non-employees. Volunteer clearance requires fingerprinting only. Other non-employee clearances require acceptable results from both the Family Care Safety Registry (FCSR) and the Missouri Automated Criminal History Site (MACHS). See registration and fingerprinting directions below.
Excerpt from Policy GBEBC: Criminal Background Checks
The Columbia Public Schools is committed to providing a safe environment for students to learn. As part of this effort, in accordance with this policy, the district will require criminal background checks of employees as well as certain volunteers and others working on district property. The board directs the superintendent or designee to develop procedures and practices consistent with this policy.
Policy GBEBC includes employees, drivers, volunteers, and contracted service providers. Employee background checks are conducted as part of the onboarding process. All others must register via the Non-Employee Registration to be considered for clearance to interact with CPS Scholars.
Notification of Clearance for Volunteers
Information on school visitors and volunteers, as defined by Missouri law, is available on the district's website. Clearance to be a volunteer, alone with children, requires a fingerprinting background check (see instructions below). Volunteer clearance requires acceptable results from the Missouri Automated Criminal History Site (MACHS). See registration and fingerprinting directions below.
You will be notified when you have been cleared to interact with CPS Scholars via the email provided during Non-Employee Registration.
Please note: Results may take two to four weeks. Plan ahead!!
Notification of Clearance for Other Non-Employees
Non-employee clearance requires acceptable results from both the Family Care Safety Registry (FCSR) and the Missouri Automated Criminal History Site (MACHS). See registration directions below.
You will be notified when you have been cleared to interact with CPS Scholars via the email provided during Non-Employee Registration.
Please note: Results may take two to four weeks. Plan ahead!!
Registration Information for Fingerprinting for Volunteers and Other Non-Employees
Step 1--Register online with the MACHS: (If you do not have internet access, call toll free 1-844-543-9712)
Registration Codes:
0213 College Students/Student Teachers
0213 Adventure Club Staff
0214 Volunteers
NOTE: Do not share these codes with others. Only registrants in the Non-Employee Registration system will be cleared.
Step 2--Report to an approved site near you to be fingerprinted. Be sure to take a photo ID and your TCN (confirmation of MACHS registration) number.
Cost is borne by the volunteer, student, etc. Estimated cost $45.
Columbia Location: IdentoGO, 3302 Broadway Business Park Ct, Suite D, Columbia MO 65203
Directions: On Broadfield Drive behind Arby's and just west of HyVee on West Broadway.
Registration Information for Family Care Safety Registry for Non-Employees (Not required for Volunteers)
Step 1--Register online at A one-time registration fee of $14 applies to all categories. Most registrants will mark the voluntary box for Registration Type. Register only once. Cost is borne by the non-employee. If you have already registered with FCSR, skip to Step 2.
Step 2--Complete, print, and sign the FCSR Worker Registration form and send it to Human Resources, Attention FCSR, 1818 W Worley St, Columbia MO 65203, or FAX number 573-214-3403 or a good, clean scanned copy can be sent to via email.