TIAA - Voluntary Retirement
Retirement - Voluntary 403(b)/457(b) Plans with TIAA
Not sure where to start? TIAA is here to help!
Phone: 1-800-842-2252
403B Salary Reduction Agreement
457B Salary Reduction Agreement
Enrollment is a two-step process:
- Enroll online with TIAA. 403b Access Code: 407179. 457b Access Code: 407180.
- Complete the Salary Reduction Agreement form (where you indicate how much to deduct from your paycheck)
Employees of the Columbia Public School District are eligible to participate in the voluntary retirement programs governed by Internal Revenue Service rules & regulations.
Columbia Public Schools has partnered with Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (TIAA) to serve as the single service provider for the 403(b) and 457(b) retirement plans.
These programs allow employees to make pre-tax contributions to the carrier of their choice.
Need more years of service credit with PSRS/PEERS for retirement? Contact PSRS/PEERS about your eligibility to purchase whole or partial years of service credit to help build your retirement. Participating in the 403(b) and 457(b) plans with TIAA makes it easy to put away money on a before tax basis to accumulate the dollars you need to purchase years of service credit. There are no tax penalties when using 403(b)/457(b) money to purchase years of service.