Nutrition Services
Feeding Students and Fueling Education
Our mission is for all children of Columbia Public Schools to be in optimal health. Our vision is for all students and staff of Columbia Public Schools to have access to fresh, flavorful, and nutritious meals daily while promoting local sustainability. Nutrition Services participates in the National School Lunch and National School Breakfast Programs. Many regulations come along with participating in these programs. However, doing so allows us to serve free and reduced-priced meals to those students who qualify. We also participate in many other federal programs, such as the Child and Adult Care Feeding Program (for our High School Suppers), the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, the Special Milk Program, and many others.
Learn more about the Breakfast and Lunch Program
We offer many locally grown foods in the fall and spring. Watermelons, cantaloupe, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, summer squashes, apples, pears, and winter squashes can be found on our garden bars during the growing season. Due to our participation in NSLP, we are able to offer Free Breakfast and Lunch to every student enrolled at many of our schools. Some students do not qualify for free or reduced meals but are still in need of assistance. Please click here if you would like to donate to our Lunch for Learners fund.
The following schools provide free breakfast for all enrolled students:
- Blue Ridge Elementary
- Lange Middle School
- Oakland Middle School
- Battle High School
- Douglass High School
The following schools provide free breakfast and lunch for all enrolled students:
- Alpha Hart Lewis Elementary
- Battle Elementary
- Benton Elementary
- CORE/Quest
- Derby Ridge Elementary
- Shepard Elementary
- West Boulevard Elementary
- Douglass High School
Columbia Public Schools - Nutrition Services
1818 West Worley Street Columbia, MO 65203
Phone: (573) 214-3480
Fax: (573) 214-3425