Healthy Suggestions
Smart Snacks in Schools
The USDA has published practical, science-based nutrition standards for all foods and beverages sold to students during the school day. These nutrition standards are called Smart Snacks in Schools and include the time before school begins and 30 minutes after the school day ends. The standards provide guidelines to make healthier foods and beverages available to students.Healthy, well-nourished students are better learners! Which is why CPS stands behind education on Smart Snacks standards, which include:
1. Be a whole grain rich product; or
2. Have as the first ingredient a fruit, vegetable, dairy product or protein food; or
3. Be a "combination food" with at least 1/4 cup fruit and/or vegetable; or
4. The food item must meet the nutrient standards for calories, sodium, sugar, and fats.Smart Snacks apply to all foods and beverages sold to students outside of the school meals programs, including vending machines, a la carte, school stores, snack carts and in-school fundraising. Smart Snacks do not apply to foods being sent from home, classroom celebrations, or evening, weekend, and community events.
See resources below on ideas on how to meet Smart Snacks standards in a variety of settings.
USDA Guide to Smart Snacks in School
Smart Snacks Product Calculator