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Physical Education and Health

The Columbia Public Schools Physical Education and Health Science department is proud to offer a strong curriculum for all students in kindergarten through twelfth grades. The primary purpose of physical education is to develop in young people an understanding of the positive impact an active lifestyle will have on their lives. The developmentally-appropriate program also provides a unique learning environment where affective, psychomotor, and cognitive skills can be developed. Also fostered are good health practices, good sportsmanship, self-control, self-expression, and the opportunity for positive social interaction with peers. It is our ultimate goal to produce students who will possess the skills necessary to develop lives that are models of wellness. Research clearly shows that the active, healthy child is more likely to be academically motivated and establish habits of behavior that will promote lives that are models of wellness.

Contact Information


Titles: Coordinator - Physical Education and Health
Locations: Aslin Administration Building
Phone Numbers:
School: 573-214-3962