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Weapons Detection System

Ensuring the safety and security of our students is our top priority. To enhance the security of our school campuses, we will begin using the OPENGATE® weapons detection system at Battle, Hickman, and Rock Bridge high schools for the 2024-25 school year. This touchless system automatically screens individuals with backpacks and bags for potential threats and other prohibited items.

All students and visitors will be subject to screening as they enter the campus during regular school hours. If OPENGATE® detects any prohibited items, a secondary search will be conducted. Any contraband found will be confiscated and may result in school disciplinary action and/or legal consequences.

Key features of the OPENGATE® screening system include:

  • Fast and automatic operation
  • No need to remove backpacks, bags, or purses
  • Designed for easy, continuous flow

Students should prepare for the OPENGATE® screening by removing their Chromebooks from their backpacks. We recommend using plastic water bottles as metal containers may trigger an alert.

Visitors must present identification to enter the school. To avoid a secondary search, we recommend leaving unnecessary bags or purses in your car.

Although it may take some time to adjust to using OPENGATE®, we are confident it will not cause significant delays and will enhance the protection of our schools.

Learn more about the Weapons Detection System in CPS

In our continued effort to ensure the safety and security of all students, staff, and visitors we are implementing a touchless weapons detection system at the entrance of three of its high school buildings.  These systems provide additional layers of protection to our staff, students, and visitors.

We ask for your support in preparing your student for this important safety upgrade.

Learn more about OPENGATE® Weapons Detection System.