Individual Student Planning
Individual planning activities assist all students in planning, monitoring, and managing their own learning and personal and career development. Within this component, students evaluate their educational, occupational, and personal goals and develop individual education/career plans no later than eighth grade in collaboration with parents/guardians. The activities in this component are planned and directed by the counselor. These activities are generally delivered individually or by working with individuals in small groups. The focus is on having students individualize and personalize their planning. Individual planning is implemented through the following strategies.
School counselors help students to analyze and evaluate their abilities, interests, skills, and achievements. Test information and other evaluation data form a basis for developing short-term and long-term plans with students and their parents/guardians.
Education and Career Planning
School counselors work with students to use social/emotional, educational, career, and labor market information to manage their Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAPs). The involvement of parents/guardians and other school staff is critical in planning a program that meets students' individual needs.
School counselors assist students in making the transition from grade to grade and school to school or school to work. School counselors develop, review, and revise ICAPs with their students.