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Responsive Services consist of activities designed to support a student’s mental health and social/emotional well-being, personal circumstances, concerns, or problems interfering with a student’s educational progress and social and emotional health.   This school counseling component is available to all students and is often student-initiated.  School counselors are school-based mental health professionals who use therapeutic interventions with students.  While counselors have special training and skills to respond to these needs and concerns, the cooperation and support of the entire faculty and staff are necessary for successful implementation. Students facing issues that do not impact the school environment or significant issues beyond what can be addressed in the school setting are referred to outside providers for additional support.  Responsive services are delivered through: ​

  • Consultation & Referral
  • Crisis Counseling
  • Individual Counseling*
  • Small Group Counseling*

*School counseling aims to provide brief, short-term counseling support. Therefore, school counseling should not be used as a substitute for therapy provided by a licensed counseling professional within the community.  It is not recommended that a student simultaneously participate in individual or small group counseling provided by the school counselor if a student is already receiving therapy through an outside provider or school-based therapy program.  Simultaneous services could potentially inhibit progress made during therapy.