Audio Recording of Meetings
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can the educational decision maker (parent/guardian/18-year-old student) record all school-related meetings?
- Can the parent/guardian/18-year-old student record other school-related meetings such as Parent-Teacher Conferences, Discipline Meetings, etc?
- How does the parent/guardian/18-year-old student request to audio record a 504, IEP, or Special Education Evaluation Meeting?
- If the parent/guardian/18-year-old student decides before the meeting they do not want to record, will the district still record?
- If the parent/guardian/18-year-old student does not notify a CPS team member they plan to audio record within the 24 hour timeline, will the 504, IEP and/or Special Education Evaluation Meeting be rescheduled?
- What training has staff received relative to audio recording procedures?
- Will this document be maintained as part of my child's educational record?