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A waiver may be completed in a situation where a student living in the district wishes to enroll but the student does not live with a parent, military guardian, or court-appointed guardian and is not otherwise allowed by law or contractual relationship with another district to attend. Waiver of proof of residency will only be granted on the basis of hardship or good cause. Good cause shall include situations where the student is living in the district for reasons other than attending school in the district. Under no circumstances shall athletic ability be a valid basis of hardship or good cause for the issuance of a waiver. For additional information, please click on the link below which will take you to policy JECA, and review under "Waiver of Proof of Residency."

Policy JECA, "Admission of Students"

Waiver of Proof of Residency forms are available at the Aslin Administration Building, 1818 West Worley Street.