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Alternative Methods of Instruction

We are excited to share that Columbia Public School (CPS) District is approved to offer “Alternative Methods of Instruction” or AMI days during the 2024-2025 school year. This plan will allow all Columbia Public School students to be engaged in meaningful learning on inclement weather days when conditions prevent district schools from being in session. As with snow or inclement weather days during prior years, we will inform families when an AMI day is scheduled.

For the 2024-25 school year, all snow days will be AMI days and students will learn remotely.

All classwork and tasks for AMI days are designed so students can participate even without access to computers or the Internet at home. Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, and High School teachers will distribute a paper outlining the AMI plans, and electronic copies of AMI plans for all grade levels are available in the CPS Student Portal and through Schoology. Translated versions can be found in the CPS Student Portal and through Schoology.

The icon in the CPS Student Portal and in the CPS Families Portal with grade level AMI plans is a white snowflake on a blue background.

CPS AMI Plans Portal Icon white snowflake on CPS blue background