Enrollment Online
Families enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year:
- Access the CPS Online Registration system for enrollment of new or returning (not currently enrolled) families.
- Families of active students, please return to the CPS Home page (www.cpsk12.org) and log into the CPS Families Portal to access the Annual Registration form for your child(ren).
Step 2
Sign in to Online Registration (OLR) to complete the forms. Be sure to upload the required documents* as you go through the form.
Step 3
Submit the completed application. -- Nothing happens until you click SUBMIT.
Step 4
Contact the school to finalize enrollment and determine your child's start date: Columbia Public Schools Directory
If you do not have a laptop or desktop computer, enrollment kiosks are available at the board office! It is recommended that you call to confirm availability, then come in with your documents* and submit your online enrollment forms for new or returning students. 573-214-3400