Late Start Day Schedule
Over the last several years, the school district has utilized six or more inclement weather days during the winter months. In some instances, the school district might have been able to have school in session if it had a few extra hours to prepare facilities or for weather and/or road conditions to improve. This year, the school district would like to add a two-hour delayed school start as an option during inclement weather conditions. This option would be in addition to other safety measures that include full school day cancellations and/or utilizing altered bus routes. Start times and dismissal times for schools when a late start day is utilized are shown above.
School will be cancelled or a two-hour delayed start implemented only after roads are tested. Should cancellation, a two-hour delayed start, or altered bus routes be necessary, efforts will be made to notify radio and television stations by 6:00 a.m. Information will also be sent via ParentLink, posted on the district's Web site, and on CPS-TV.
Parents may make the final decision regarding a child's attendance. If the parent views the weather too severe or road conditions too dangerous, absences will be excused.
Difficulty in contacting parents usually prevents early dismissals, but under appropriate circumstances the district may dismiss early. On inclement weather days, please continue listening to local radio and television stations for news of early dismissal. Additionally, information will be sent via ParentLink. Altered bus routes for district buses will be run at times when inclement weather makes some roads too hazardous for safe travel.
If you have questions about the new delayed school start during inclement weather, please contact your child's school or the district administration building.