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Late Start Day Schedule

Late Start Time
Dismissal Time
Battle, Hickman, and Rock Bridge high schools
10:55 am
4:05 pm
Douglass High School
11:10 am
3:45 pm
Eliot Battle, Benton, Locust Street, New Haven, Midway Heights, Ridgeway, Rock Bridge, and Two Mile Prairie elementary schools
9:40 am
2:40 pm
10:45 am
3:00 pm
Alpha Hart Lewis, Beulah Ralph, Blue Ridge, Cedar Ridge, Derby Ridge, Fairview, Grant, Mill Creek, Parkade, Paxton Keeley, Russell Boulevard, Shepard Boulevard, and West Boulevard elementary schools
10:20 am
3:20 pm
Gifted Education (EEE)
10:20 am
2:00 pm
Gentry, Jefferson, John Warner, Lange, Oakland, Smithton, and West middle schools
9:25 am
2:35 pm
Late Start Info
Columbia Area Career Center
Rock Bridge High School students will attend classes at the Career Center according to the late start modified block schedule. Battle, Hickman, and Douglass high school students will remain at their home building to complete work assigned by the Career Center teacher.
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
No morning sessions at all locations
No session for extended day programs (Hearing Impaired sessions at Discovery)
No itinerant services will be provided in the community
No evaluations will take place at Center for Early Learning North (CELN) before noon
Title I Preschool
No morning preschool
Afternoon preschool runs at regular time (12:30 to 3:30)
Full-day preschool begins at 10:30


School will be cancelled or a two-hour delayed start implemented only after roads are tested. Should cancellation, a two-hour delayed start, efforts will be made to notify radio and television stations by 6:00 a.m. Information will also be sent via text and email, posted on the district's Web site, and on CPS-TV.

Parents may make the final decision regarding a child's attendance. If the parent views the weather too severe or road conditions too dangerous, absences will be excused.

Difficulty in contacting parents usually prevents early dismissals, but under appropriate circumstances the district may dismiss early. On inclement weather days, please continue listening to local radio and television stations for news of early dismissal. Additionally, information will be sent via the district's parent messaging system. 

If you have questions about the new delayed school start during inclement weather, please contact your child's school or the district administration building.